What will the future coin dealers look like or how will they be structured?

  • What will the future coin dealers look like or how will they be structured?   by coinsarefun on 01 Jul, 2011 11:36
  • I have been thinking about this for many months.............which can be dangerous when I start thinking :) :D

    With a few major auction houses joining forces, will this be something that dealers do?

    I don't necessarily mean the large dealers, but could be possible. Will or could the smaller dealers come together
    to form larger dealers? I can see this as a plausible idea as they would have a larger buying force or more capital.
    They would be in a better position to compete for purchasing better coins, therefore better profits.

    They would also be able to spread liability and other costs, gather larger buyer audiences. Yes they would have to split profits
    but profits will become larger as the sales would be much more substantial.

    For this to happen they would need to have a meeting of the minds and some would have to leave their ego's at the door ;)
    But, I can see this as a strong possibility.

    There will always be smaller, single dealers but I think a majority may start to conglomerate.

    What do you think?............Just a thought of mine:) 
  • Reply #1   by BBN on 23 Jul, 2011 17:48
  • I am personally not liking the direction of dealerships. The B&Ms appear to be slowly evolving into PM outlets and pawn type shops that are working to get customers in and out of the shop similar to pawn shops. My local B&M guy takes in any metals brought in, silverware and all, and he told me that it's somewhat taking the fun out of being a dealer, but he has to add that aspect to his shop to make any money and stay with the competition. He's retired so he opened the shop several years ago just to stay busy in retirement and allow him to make money in his hobby.

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