Silver Certificates

  • Silver Certificates   by Billy Kingsley on 24 Sep, 2009 00:18
  • I had heard of silver certificates, but I had never seen any, until last year, when I inherited two of them!
    This one is one of them. It's my only Federal Large Size note. It's been through heck, but I treasure it.
    1923 SC $1 Z26931999B a
    1923 SC $1 Z26931999B b
    I actually WON this one on another message board, by correctly guessing the 888 final three numbers in the serial number....I have always been fascinated by the #8...and 888 has always been "my" I guessed it...and won! Condition wise, without a doubt this is the best note in my collection.
    1934 B SC $5 L24932888A a
    1934 B SC $5 L24932888A b
    This is the other Silver Certificate I inherited. It's too bad somebody decided to apparently test their pen on it. And what's worse, it looks like ball point pen, so it was probably NOT done when the note was new...
    1935 E SC $1 J55896772H a
    1935 E SC $1 J55896772H b
    I purchased this note.
    1957 SC $1 V00973587A a
    1957 SC $1 V00973587A b

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