
German States
Album - Owner: regandon - 99 items
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Regensberg Taler (City View)
 Views: 267
Jan 11, 2010
1661 Munster
 Views: 188
Jan 11, 2010
1666 Brunswick-Wolf (commem)
 Views: 261
Jan 18, 2010
1846 Frankfurt 2Gulden
 Views: 208
Jan 25, 2010
1663 Taler
 Views: 249
Jan 26, 2010
1755 Burnswick-Wolf 2/3 Taler (Wildman)
 Views: 414
 Comments: 1
Feb 02, 2010
Polish City View Taler (obv)
 Views: 245
Feb 02, 2010
Polish City View Taler (rev)
 Views: 260
Feb 02, 2010
2Taler Brunswick
 Views: 247
Feb 06, 2010
2Taler Brunswick
 Views: 245
Feb 06, 2010
1871 Bremen Taler (obv)
 Views: 293
Feb 07, 2010
1871 Bremen Taler (rev)
 Views: 253
Feb 07, 2010
1641 Augsburg Taler (city View)
 Views: 203
Apr 07, 2010
1711 Harz Taler (Saxony)
 Views: 191
Apr 28, 2010
1838 Coronation
 Views: 186
Nov 01, 2010
1709 Vatican
Minted in 1709 (AN8)  "The Vatican leading, of the pope processions to the peace foundation between France and Austria"

PORTAVERVNT TABERNACVLVM FOEDERIS Procession with banner representing the SS.  Savior, led to shoulder from faithful and I continue from the Pontiff and monks; in exergu…
 Views: 190
Nov 09, 2010
Austrian Taler
 Views: 178
Nov 23, 2010
1711-1719 2Taler
 Views: 193
Nov 23, 2010
1679 Brunswick-Luneburg-Calenberg Taler
 Views: 192
Nov 23, 2010
1627 Bavarian Taler
 Views: 220
Nov 26, 2010
1817 Prussian Taler
 Views: 189
Nov 26, 2010
1859 Frankfurt commem. Taler
 Views: 216
Nov 27, 2010
1795 Bamberg Taler
Obv: Bishopric insignias coat of arms
Rev: Date and legend within ornamented decoration
 Views: 415
Dec 20, 2010
1763 Nurenberg Commemorative Thaler
 Views: 433
Dec 24, 2010
1761 Regiments Taler (Munster Germany)
 Views: 589
Dec 28, 2010
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