Author Topic: Lets take a look at the Teabagger Movement , what it is and where it is going.  (Read 2127 times)

Offline bear

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There is a growing uneasiness in this Nation over the wars, the unemployment, the loss of jobs
overseas, the debt, the inability of the congress to work effectively as well as the general lack
of civility and respect for one another. In the Nations long history, there has been a tradition of
third party movements seeking to right all the wrongs of the Nation. For one reason or another, they
have all failed to to survive for very long. Who is to blame for all that seems to have gone wrong.The
answer is very simple, WE THE PEOPLE HAVE GONE WRONG!

The people of this Nation nominate and elect our representatives from both National Parties. We The
People, tend to believe 30 second sound bites instead of immersing ourselves in the issues of the day
and voting for people that have common sense solutions, instead of smooth talkers telling folks what
they think folks want to hear. We have become single issue voters rather then voters with a broad
concern what is best ,on a wide range of issues for the Nation and its People.

Some basic fact for people to consider

1. It was both political Parties that agreed to allow jobs to be outsourced to the rest of the world.

2. It was both Parties that allowed the removal of laws that limited banks and investment companies
and allowed them to do foolish investments that would wreck out economic strength.

3. Does anyone truly believe that we can fight a war in Iraq, Afghanistan and world wide anti terrorist war
without a wartime tax to pay for the troops, equipment and supplies?

4. Does anyone truly believe that both Parties can continue to create new spending programs without the
revenue to pay for them?

6. No matter which party is in power, does anyone think that the enormous and lengthy list of problems
can be corrected in less then 10 - 20 years?

7. Does anyone really believe, that our elected representatives care about, we the people, more then they
care about the lobbyists that fund their reelection campaigns.

Yes, the people are angry and a number have joined the teabag party. They have no ideas as to how to resolve the problems other then to yell and shout and scream epithets at elected officials.There solutions seems to be ,to elect politicians that will never raise a single tax, even if it means the that the Nation shall
fail. They wish to be safe behind a huge military but never wish to pay the cost of that military. The loudest
cries against Health Care reform comes from folks in the very states that have the highest percentage of
uninsured people. The tea baggers demand that the Government keep its grubby paws off Medicare, even
though Medicare is a Government run and funded program. The tea baggers pay speakers large amounts of
money to appear and say absolutely nothing. That propose nothing to solve the problems.

When this Nation goes to the polling places to vote for Federal representatives, may they think clearly about
electing folks who will care more about their constituents, and the Nation rather then about getting re elected. May we elect moderates of both parties ,that want to work together on solving the problems that
we the people elect them to solve. This may mean that we the people will have to forget about beingl liberal
conservatives, Rinoes, ultra conservatives and single issue voters. We will once again have to start acting
like Americans who care about all the people of this nation. We are not North, South, East or West. We are
one people, one Nation indivisible.........I pray to Heaven above that we are able to remember that.

Tea bags are for brewing up a beverage, not for running a Nation. :))
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 04:24:34 PM by bear »

Offline Scottishmoney

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Very true, I am a non-partisan that votes my conscience and not with any particular party.  Really in my estimation both parties have completely lost track and whence I occasion to listen to their collective mouthpieces, all I hear is drivel against the opposition - and nothing of consequence.  The elected members of congress, the executive branch are now just corporate bought peons that are completely beholden to their Wall St. Banker Masters.  If you believe in any stretch of the imagination that they are serving us - you need to have your head checked.

And BTW Sarah Palin is a thrice used tea bag that should be tossed into the ignominious rubbish along with her loser husband.

Offline coinsarefun

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And BTW Sarah Palin is a thrice used tea bag that should be tossed into the ignominious rubbish along with her loser husband.

LMAO x's 10 :Funny; :Funny; :Funny;

I will give my reply an a few after I stop laughing about that one :D

Offline coinsarefun

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Unfortunately what bear has stated"WE THE PEOPLE HAVE GONE WRONG!"

is true for the most part. I lived in Arizona back in the 80's and people were constantly complaining about the government and the crooked people who ran it.

I asked why this is so and was told time after time that Arizona was a "transitional state"
You moved here, lived a few years there and left and frankly didn't care because they were going to be
living in Az. for long. Now keep in mind that this was the 80's it has changed now, some for the better and some for the worst :0

Now maybe just maybe this type of mind set has taking hold all over America. People feel that they are either going to be moving out of their particular state and don't bother to register and or vote.

I am not saying that this is the norm but if enough people feel this way it adds up and spells disaster and we end up with what we have now as a government that is not for the people nor
by the people, rather just a bunch of self serving people.

People say that they are interested and want to have change but in actuality do next to nothing.

Offline bear

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I would run for office myself, but I do not think that the Constitution allows animals.
Apparently we do allow pedophiles,sexual deviants, liars, crooks, philanderers,
hypocrites,bamboozlers,alcoholics, drug addicts and cowards who hid from military
 service. We as a People sure do elect some mighty strange people to high office. :))

I wonder when slime, sloth and sleaze became attributes of smart politics , while honesty,
 integrity and decency, became political handicaps?

Offline Scottishmoney

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Well in Ukraine politics are even more screwed up than they are in America.  Because today Yanukovych, who is twice convicted felon for robbery, and political stooge of Vladimir Putin has been "elected" president.  But even if the gas princess got elected, she is stooge of Vladimir Putin.  They are Ukraine equivalent of Sarah Palin and Ted Kennedy in same election.

Offline coinsarefun

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I think we should all move to least its known and
not hidden that the mafia runs its :D ;)

Offline Scottishmoney

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Italy, what a great country, run by a leader named BurlesqueToni >:D

Offline BCNumismatics

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Lets take a look at the Teabagger Movement , what it is and where it is going.
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2010, 02:17:31 PM »
Italy, what a great country, run by a leader named BurlesqueToni >:D

David,if you were in Italy,you'd be roaming alright - in Rome!
